While we are always grateful for those who are part of this community, we also recognize that the number of active and supporting parishioners is in decline. This phenomena is happening in virtually every parish. Some parishioners who were once abundantly active are now more limited by their age or health. Some parishioners have returned to the Lord. For others, the opportunity to settle in a different part of the country causes them to pull up roots from Holy Cross. New younger generation families are not arriving or supporting in the same proportion as older generation families.
I don’t mention these realities in a pessimistic way or to depress everyone. But it is important to understand that the very nature of a living community is that things change. Sometimes things that were always done can no longer happen. Sometimes new opportunities come along. The Holy Spirit has never hit a dead end, and it is not going to happen now.
In this week’s bulletin, we have a special section of “Help Wanted Ads.” We have identified specific needs and tasks we need help with. We hope you read, pray, and consider if the Lord may be asking you to take a step into the realm of parish ministry. Some folks may find the concept of ministry to be intimidating; they don’t see themselves as ministers, but they are willing to help. It doesn’t matter what we call it, but a willing spirit helps to maintain and foster life. In the simplest of ways, great things can be done when there is a desire to be part of a community that brings life. ~ FR. MICHAEL HOLZMANN